An introduction email to your new manager is a crucial step in the onboarding process. It provides an excellent opportunity to establish rapport, express enthusiasm, and set the pitch for your working relationship. So, here are 15 short, professional email examples you can consider when crafting your own introduction message.

Introduction Email to the Manager

Email Example 1: Starting a New Job

Dear [Manager’s Name],

I am excited to begin working as a [Your Job Title] with the team. I look forward to contributing my skills and experiences to achieve our shared goals and objectives.

Kind Regards,
[Your Name]

Email Example 2: After Job Promotion

Dear [Manager’s Name],

I am excited about my promotion to [Your New Job Title], and I am looking forward to working under your leadership. I am eager to leverage my previous experiences to scale even higher heights in this position.

Best Regards,
[Your Name]

Email Example 3: Shifting Departments

Dear [Manager’s Name],

As you may know, I recently transferred to this department. I am thrilled about this new challenge and look forward to the opportunity to bring a fresh perspective to our projects.

[Your Name]

Email Example 4: Establishing Contact

Dear [Manager’s Name],

I am [Your Name], the [Your Job Title]. I wanted to introduce myself and express how excited I am to be part of this team and work under your leadership.

Best Regards,
[Your Name]

Email Example 5: Requesting a Meeting

Dear [Manager’s Name],

I am looking forward to working with you. If your schedule permits, I would appreciate the opportunity to meet with you to discuss my role and how I can contribute to the team.

Kind Regards,
[Your Name]

Email Example 6: Virtual Onboarding

Dear [Manager’s Name],

As I begin this virtual onboarding process, I look forward to navigating this unique experience together, and I am excited to bring value to the team from any location.

Best Regards,
[Your Name]

Email Example 7: Past Acquaintance

Dear [Manager’s Name],

It’s great to reconnect with you in a professional capacity. I am excited about the opportunity to work under your leadership once again.

[Your Name]

Email Example 8: After a Reassignment

Dear [Manager’s Name],

Following my recent reassignment to your team, I am eager to bring my skills and experiences to the table and achieve our shared objectives.

Best Regards,
[Your Name]

Email Example 9: After a Merger

Dear [Manager’s Name],

Following the recent merger, there is sure to be a lot of change ahead. However, I am looking forward to this new chapter and the opportunity to work under your guidance.

Kind Regards,
[Your Name]

Email Example 10: Temporary Assignment

Dear [Manager’s Name],

During my temporary assignment to your team, I hope to learn as much as I can from your leadership and contribute my skills towards our short-term goals.

[Your Name]

Email Example 11: Contract Worker

Dear [Manager’s Name],

As a new contracted worker on your team, I am excited about the specific challenges and goals you’ve laid out for me. I look forward to contributing my expertise towards achieving these milestones.

Best Regards,
[Your Name]

Email Example 12: Addressing Several Managers

Dear [Manager A] and [Manager B],

I am excited to embark on this journey with both of you leading the way. I am eager to utilize my skills to contribute to our collective objectives.

[Your Name]

Email Example 13: Joining a Project Midway

Dear [Manager’s Name],

Joining you in the middle of this important project is thrilling. I look forward to quickly catching up and making a timely, productive contribution to our team’s objectives.

Best Regards,
[Your Name]

Email Example 14: Confidence Booster

Dear [Manager’s Name],

I feel confident that my skills and experiences will be a great asset to your team. Looking forward to contributing to our shared goals and targets.

Kind Regards,
[Your Name]

Email Example 15: Expressing Readiness

Dear [Manager’s Name],

I am ready and excited about the challenge ahead. I am eager to contribute my skills and experiences to our team’s success.

Best Regards,
[Your Name]

15 Example Subject Titles

  1. Introduction | New Role as [Job Title]
  2. Excited About the New Challenge | [Your Name]
  3. Looking Forward to Working Together | [Your Name]
  4. New Team Member Introduction | [Your Name]
  5. Hello from the New [Job Title]
  6. Self Introduction | [Your Name]
  7. Introduction | [Your Name] Joining Your Team
  8. Eager to Start | [Your Job Title]
  9. Introduction to Your New Colleague | [Your Name]
  10. Delighted to Join Your Team | [Your Name]
  11. Ready for the New Challenge | [Your Job Title]
  12. Introduction from Your New Team Member | [Your Name]
  13. Excited to Embark on the New Journey | [Your Name]
  14. Introduction | Your New [Job Title]
  15. Ready to Contribute as the New [Job Title]

Introducing yourself professionally in an email to your new manager is an important aspect of establishing your working relationship. The way you introduce yourself and communicate your competence and enthusiasm can make a lasting impression. So, use the above 15 examples as a starting point in crafting succinct, professional, and impactful introduction emails. Remember, the key is to express genuine excitement, readiness, and commitment towards your role and contribution to the team.
