The Ultimate List of 77 Out of Office Email Templates

Whether you’re taking a well-deserved vacation, attending a conference, or dealing with personal matters, crafting an effective out of office email is crucial to manage expectations and ensure smooth communication during your absence. In this blog post, we have curated a diverse selection of out of office email templates to help you convey your message with clarity, professionalism, and a touch of personalization. From formal and concise emails to creative and humorous messages, we’ve got you covered. We understand the importance of maintaining professional relationships and setting clear expectations while you’re away.  With these 77 out of office email samples, we equip you with the tools for effective communication, and help you leave a positive impression even when you’re not physically present.

Let’s dive in: 

Default Out of Office Email Template

Subject: Out of Office Notification


I hope this email finds you well. I wanted to inform you that I will be out of the office for [duration of absence] starting from [start date] until [end date]. During this time, I will not have access to email or phone.

If you require immediate assistance, please reach out to [alternate contact person] at [alternate contact email/phone]. They will be able to address any urgent matters or provide further guidance.

For non-urgent matters, I kindly request your patience and understanding as I will respond to your email upon my return. If your inquiry is time-sensitive, I apologize for any inconvenience caused and recommend reaching out to the alternate contact mentioned above.

Please rest assured that I will attend to your email promptly upon my return, and I appreciate your understanding during my absence. Thank you for your attention, and I look forward to getting back to you soon.

Best regards,


Classic Out of Office Email Templates 

  1. Dear [recipient name], I’ll be out of the office from [date] to [date]. Any urgent issues can be directed to my manager, [manager’s name], who will be available by email. I look forward to seeing you on my return!
  2. Hi there! I’m out of the office from [date] to [date]. I will respond to your message upon my return. Thanks,
  3. Dear [recipient name], I am out of the office until [date]. Please contact me at [contact number] or [email address] if urgent.

  4. Dear [Name], I’m out of the office this week, but I’ll be back in on Friday. Please feel free to reach out on my Slack with any urgent matters. Best,

  5. Hi there, I’m currently out of the office and will return on [date]. You can reach me at [email address] or call me at [phone number].If you need an immediate response, please email [name] in the office. Thank you!
  6. Dear [recipient name], I am currently away from the office on a business trip. I will be back on [date]. During my time away, you can reach me at [phone number] and email me at [email address]. Be sure to include “Out of Office” in the subject line. If you have any urgent issues, please contact my assistant: [assistant name]. If you have any questions, please feel free to contact me by email or phone upon my return. Thank you for your understanding!
  7. Hi everyone, I’m out of the office this week on vacation. If you need to reach me, please email my assistant at [email address]. If you have questions or concerns, please feel free to email her and she will get back to you as soon as possible. Thank you so much for your patience!
  8. Dear colleagues, I am out of the office until [date]. If you need to reach me, you can email me at [email address] or call me at [phone number]. My assistant will be monitoring my email and voicemail while I’m away.Thanks!
  9. Hello, I’m writing to let you know that I will be out of the office on [date] My colleague, [colleague name], will be covering for me in my absence. If you have any questions or concerns, please feel free to reach out directly to [colleague name].
  10. Dear [recipient name], I am out of the office from [date] through [date]. If you need to reach me during this time, please email my assistant at [assistant’s name] or call my mobile phone at [phone number]. Thank you!
  11. Hi [name], I’m currently out of the office and will be back on [date]. If you need to reach me, please email [email address] with your questions or concerns. Thanks!
  12. Hi, I’m out of the office until [date].If you need to reach me urgently, please email or call my cell phone. Best,
  13. Hi there! I’m out of the office until [date]. Please reach out to [contact name] if you need to reach me. Thank you, and have a great day!
  14. Hi there! I’m out of the office until [date]. I’ll be around to answer any questions you may have next week. In the meantime, if you need to contact me, please email me at [email address]. Best,
  15. Hello, I’m out of the office from [date] to [date]. If you need to contact me during this time, please email me at [email address]. Thank you for your understanding.  
  16. Dear [name], I am out of the office from [date] until [date].If you need to reach me, please email my assistant at [email address]. Best,
  17. Dear [recipient name], I am out of the office until Monday, December 28th. I will be unavailable by email and phone until then. If this is an emergency, please call [phone number] and leave a message. I will respond as soon as possible. Thank you for your understanding,
  18. Dear [name], I will be out of the office until Friday, June 1st. If you need to reach me while I am away, please email me at [email] or call me at [phone number]. Thank you!
  19. Dear [name], I will be out of the office until [date]. I have left some information on our Sharepoint [link] that may be helpful in finding an answer to your question. Please let me know if you have any questions. Best Regards,
  20. Hello,  I am currently out of the office. I will return on [date]. Please direct all inquiries to my colleague, [name]. Best,
  21. Hi there! I’m out of the office until [date] and will be responding to emails on my return. If this is an urgent matter, please contact me at [contact number].
  22. Dear [recipient], I’m away from the office from [date through to date]. If this message was sent to you by mistake, please disregard it and do not reply. In the meantime, I can be reached at [alternate contact information]. Thank you for your understanding and cooperation.
  23. Hi everyone, I’m out of the office until [date] due to a family emergency. Please reach out to [name] if you have any urgent questions. Thank you so much for your understanding!
  24. Dear [recipient name], I am out of the office from [date range] to [date range]. If you need to reach me, please use my cell phone number or email address.
  25. Hello, While I’m away from the office, I will be checking my email periodically. If you need to reach me urgently, please call my cell phone at [phone number]. Otherwise, I will respond upon my return. Thank you for your understanding and patience.
  26. Hi there! I’m out of the office from [date] through [date]. If you need to reach me, feel free to email me at [email address] or call me at [phone number]. Thanks for your understanding.
  27. Hi there! I’m currently out of the office, but wanted to let you know that I’ll be back on Monday. I’ll check my emails then, and get back with you as soon as I can. Thanks for reaching out.
  28. Hi there, I’m away from my desk for the next few weeks. If you need to get in touch with me, feel free to reach out at [phone number]. If this is an urgent matter, please call me or email me at my personal email address: [personal email].
  29. Hi there! I’m out of the office until [date]. I’ll be checking email periodically, but if you need to reach me urgently, please contact [assistant’s name] at [phone number]. Thank you for your patience and understanding!
  30. Hi [name of recipient], I’m out of the office from [date] until [date]. Please direct any questions to my colleague, [name of colleague]. When I return, I will be super excited to get back to work on your project! Thanks for your understanding, and have a great day!
  31. Hey, I’m out of office for the next two weeks. I’ll be traveling to [name of location], which is where I’ll be until [date]. If you need anything during my absence, please contact [name of person]. They can help you with anything you might want or need. They are very nice and always willing to help! I will be back soon!
  32. Hey there! I’m out of the office. I’ll be back in 2 weeks. If you have any questions, please email [email protected]. If you need to reach me urgently, call me on my cell at [phone number].
  33. Hello, I’m so sorry I can’t be around to help you with your [task]. I know, it’s a real bummer. But I’m out of the office until [date] and won’t be able to get back to you until then. I’ll be in touch as soon as I get back!
  34. Hi there! I’m out of the office today, but if you have an urgent message, I’ll get back to you as soon as possible. If this is just a friendly “hey,” please feel free to reach out on Monday. Thanks!
  35. Dear [name], I am out of the office today, but I’m still checking my email every few hours. If you need to reach me, please submit your request via Slack or send me a DM on Twitter. You can also leave me a voicemail at [number] and I’ll get back to you as soon as I can. Thank you!
  36. Hi there! I’m out of the office for the next few weeks. I’ll be back on [date] and will respond to emails then. In the meantime, please feel free to email me with any questions or concerns you may have. Thanks for your patience, and I look forward to hearing from you soon!
  37. Hey there, I’m out of the office for the next few days. I’ll be back on [date]—in the meantime, you can reach me at [email].
  38. Hey there! I’m out of the office. I’ll be back on [date]. In the meantime, you can reach me at [email address] or [cell phone number]. If your email is urgent, please feel free to contact my colleagues in the meantime: [First name], [Last name], [First name], and [Last name]. Thanks,
  39. Hi there! I’m out of the office, but I wanted to let you know that I’ll be back on Monday. In the meantime, please feel free to reach out to my assistant if you need anything
  40. Dear all, I’m off to a conference in Lisbon this week and won’t be back until next Monday. I’m looking forward to catching up with you when I return!
  41. Hello, I’m out of the office on a well-deserved vacation. I’ll be back in the office on [date]. If you’d like to reach me, please email me at [email address].
  42. Hello, I will be out of the office from [date] until [date], but you can reach out to [name at email] if you need to get in touch with me. Thank you!
  43. Hello and thank you for contacting [our company]. I am currently away from my desk, but if you leave a message I’ll get back to you as soon as possible. If you’re calling about an urgent matter, please call me on my cell phone at [number]. Thank you for your patience and understanding!
  44. Hey, everyone. I’m out of the office until [date]. If you need something, please ping me on Slack. I’ll respond as soon as I can. Thanks!
  45. Hi there!  I’ve left the office for a few days to spend time with my family. If you need me, I’m available by phone or email on [phone number]. Thanks again, and have a great week!
  46. If you’re receiving this email, it means I’m out of the office. I’ll be back to work on [date]. If you need anything while I’m away, please email [first name] or call [phone number] at extension [extension].
  47. Hey, I am out of the office for the next few days. However, I will be checking in periodically to make sure all my emails are responded to. If you need anything urgently, please reach out to my assistant at [email address]. Thanks!

    Witty Email Templates

  48. Hi there! I’m currently out of the office and will be back on [date] at [time]. If you have any urgent matters, please reach out to my teammate [name] or email me at [email]. Otherwise, I am sure it can wait until I’m back. I’m taking a little break to recharge my batteries. I’ll be back in touch soon!
  49. Hello, Thanks for reaching out to me. I am taking a well-deserved vacation! I will be back in the office on [date], if I have to. If you need me, please email me at [email address] or call me at [phone number], if absolutely necessary.
  50. Hi there! I have some great news: I’m taking a vacation. As you may have heard, there’s a new company policy that says all employees are entitled to take one day off per month. And since I’ve been working so hard lately, I decided that this month’s day off would be today. But don’t worry—I didn’t leave you hanging! Here’s what I did: -I wrote up a short to-do list to use in my absence. It tells everyone what they need to know about my absence and includes some links to helpful resources. Feel free to reach out to [name to provide any information you may need while I am away. Take care,
  51. Hey there! I’m out of the office right now, but I’ll be back on [date]. In the meantime, here are some things you can do: Watch a movie. (I recommend “Good Will Hunting.”) Read a book. (I recommend “To Kill a Mockingbird.”) Go to the gym. (I recommend Planet Fitness.) Play a game of pool with your friends! Cheers!
  52. Hey there, I’m out of the office. But I’ll be back in a couple of days. In the meantime, here’s what we’re looking at for the rest of my absence: -No more emails! (Don’t worry, I’ll check them when I get back) -No more phone calls! (I’m sure you can handle it) -No more meetings! (I’m sure you can handle that too) -No more projects! (I’m sure you can manage the ones that are already underway) -No more nagging! (You don’t have to listen to me anymore) Have fun bossing around everyone else while I’m gone!
  53. Dear [name], I’m out of the office until [date] . Please feel free to send me an email in case of emergency (and I mean an actual emergency, not just something you want me to look at right away). In the meantime, I’ve left some instructions for you on how to deal with any problems that may arise while I’m gone: If you need someone to hang out with, go ahead and make friends with your computer. It will never disappoint you or make you feel bad about yourself. If you need someone to talk to, go ahead and talk to your dog. They’re good listeners. If this is work-related, it can wait until I’m back. In the meantime, have a great one!
  54. Hi there, I’m out of office—but you’re in luck! I left my Shared Folder set up for you with all the answers in easy-to-find places. As always, if you have any questions or concerns, please don’t hesitate to reach out, and of course you won’t hear back until I am back in the office, Best wishes,
  55. Hello there, I apologize for the short notice, but I’ll be out of the office until [date]. I’ll be working on some projects that are just too exciting to miss. I know you’ll understand. In the meantime, if you need me, you can reach me at [phone number] or email me at [email address].
  56. Hey everyone, I’m on vacation this week! I’ll be out of the office until [date]. I’ll do my best to respond to all emails, when I am back [if I ever do come back] but please allow me a little extra time. Have a great week!
  57. Hello, I’m out of the office. In case of emergency, please handle me with care.

    Funny Email Templates

  58. Hello! I’m taking a much-needed break from work to work on my tan, so I’ll be out of the office for the next few days. If you need me, please contact my assistant [assistant name] at extension [extension], or just go ahead and leave me a voicemail—I’ll check it when I return. Thanks!

  59. Hey guys, I’m taking a week off to go help my mom move. If you need me (and you probably don’t), I’ll be checking my email once every 10 minutes on an old flip phone. Thanks!

  60. Hi there! I am out of the office for the next 30 days, and I have no idea when I’ll be back. I’m not sure what I’m doing yet, but it’s absolutely nothing fun. In fact, it’s probably going to be really boring and just one big waste of time. Anyways, see you when I’m back. 

  61. Hey there, I am away on vacation, and I’ll probably be so overwhelmed with boredom that all I can think about is how much better things would be if I were at work instead of here. So please do me a favor and don’t bother me while I’m on my vacation. Also, don’t expect any sort of response from me during this time period—it’s not going to happen. And please don’t think about me too much while I’m gone… because although it may feel like an eternity to you, realistically it will only be about 30 days (or less!). Don’t worry though—I’ll still be here when you get back from your vacation too! See you (not), 
  62. Dear friends,

    I’m off to the beach for a week. I’ll be back on [date]. In the meantime, please direct any inquiries to my assistant [assistant name] (who will be handling things with me in spirit). I’m out of office for the next week, so if you need me to do anything, please make sure it’s on a Friday. I am also going to be in my bathtub for most of this week, so if you need something just yell, “Help!” and I’ll hear you. Have a great week, everyone!

  63. Hey guys, I’m taking a little break to go see the doctor. I’ll be back soon and will be sure to give you a call when I’m feeling better. If you need anything in the meantime, please email [name] at [email address].
  64. Hey, it’s [name].

    I’m out of the office today. I’ve been gone for a few days and am now back at home. If you need me, please call my cell phone at [phone number]. I’m catching up on some important things like watching all 5 seasons of my favourite shows and eating way too much candy. (It’s not even Halloween yet!) Talk to you soon!

  65. I’m out of the office until further notice. If you need me, I’ll be at my Uptown apartment, enjoying a once-in-a-lifetime view of the skyline. I have a feeling this is going to be one hell of a week!

  66. Hey, I’m taking some time off to go on a soul-searching journey of self-discovery. I’ll be back in a couple weeks. If you need me, you can never find me.

  67. Dear colleagues,

    I’m out of the office for the next month. I’ve got a lot of work to do and am working from home, so if you need something, please email me at my personal address: [email address]. If you don’t hear from me within 24 hours, assume I didn’t receive your email and try again. If you still don’t get a response, it means I am having too much fun to respond to you. See you when I am back, 

  68. Hey, it’s me! I’m out of the office for a few days. I know this is very inconvenient for you and your work, but I hope you can find it in your heart to forgive me. Please let me know if there are any urgent matters that need my attention.  Otherwise, just carry on as usual—you guys are pros at this!

  69. Hey, I’m out of the office.

    I’ll be back on Monday, but in case you’re wondering why I’m not responding to your emails right now, here’s why: I’m rocking out to my favorite song by [artist] as loud as possible while doing a full-court layup drill,  or  I’m looking at memes on my phone and thinking about how hilarious they are. Anyway, I am sure this can wait until I am back. See ya!

  70. Dear [recipient name], I’ll be out of the office on a secret mission until [date]. I’ll be in touch when I return.

  71. Hi there! I’ve gone out of office to do some soul-searching and find myself. I’ll be back in touch on Monday. If you need me sooner, please email my assistant at [email address].

  72. Dear colleagues,

    In case you have not heard, I am out of the office until further notice. This is due to the fact that I am now a human being. Please contact my assistant [assistant name] with any questions or concerns you may have during my absence. I look forward to returning to work next week!

  73. Hey everyone,

    I’m taking a much-needed vacation. Don’t worry—I didn’t leave you without a leader. The following people have agreed to step in for me while I’m gone:

    -Thinking about a career change? Talk to [name] about how she’s been working with our non-profit partners to help them find new jobs!

    -Want to know what happens when you cross-pollinate two of your favorite movies? Ask [name], who’s here to talk about her favorite movies and their adaptations.

    -Have a question about the latest news? Try asking [name]. She’s got the scoop on all things pop culture!

    -Ever wonder what it looks like when someone tries to take an exciting selfie but forgets that they’re holding the camera at arm’s length? Ask [name], who will show you!

  74. Hi, everyone!

    I’m taking some time off to reflect on life and work on my short game. I’ll be back in the office on [date]. In the meantime, please feel free to reach out to me through email or text message at [phone number] if you need something. Cheers!

  75. Hey there!

    I’m out of the office this week, so I’ll see you next Monday. Please don’t be alarmed if you see my headless corpse around the office. That’s just me trying to be extra efficient by working remotely while dead. Anyway, I’ll be back next week with all my usual snark and sarcasm intact. See you then,

  76. Hi there! I’m out of the office until Friday, so you’ll have to deal with me then. For now , go ahead and finish that project that’s been sitting on your desk for months now. It’s time to take care of it. See you soon,

  77. I’m out of office for a few days. If you need anything, please write it on a post-it and stick it to my forehead.

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