Here are 11 Reminder Email Templates:

Template 1

Hello [insert name]

I hope this email finds you well. I am writing to follow up on my previous email regarding [insert topic/subject]. This is a gentle reminder that your response is required by [insert date/time].

Template 2

Hello [insert name]

I’m checking in to remind you about the upcoming deadline for submitting the reports, as indicated in my email below. Please let me know if you will be submitting it on the date indicated below.

Best regards,

Template 3

Hello [insert name]

As you prepare for the upcoming meeting, please remember to send the slides you’d like to include by the end of the day on [insert date]. Please let me know if this works.

Template 4

Hello [insert name]

I sent you an email at 2024 with a few questions about your project and didn’t hear back. I’m wondering if there is a good time for us to chat. Please let me know if this time works for you.

Template 5

Hello [insert name]

As we discussed in our recent phone call, I would like to get your feedback on the attached document. It is due next Friday and I will need to submit it with my final proposal. I look forward to hearing from you soon.

Template 6

Hello [insert name]

I wanted to make sure you saw my email from Wednesday. I’m attaching a revised version of the contract for your review. Please let me know if you have any questions or concerns about it.

Template 7


It has been more than two weeks since we last spoke and we still have not heard back from you regarding our proposal for [insert project]. We are wondering if something came up or if there is another way we can help with this. If you need any additional information, please do not hesitate to ask us.

Template 8


I hope you are well. I’m writing to remind you that our deadline is tomorrow, and we still haven’t received your response. As you know, this will affect how we move forward with our project.

Template 9

Dear [name],

I’m writing to follow up on your email about the [topic] issue. As you know, we need to move forward with our plans for this project by 2024. I look forward to hearing back from you by then so we can make progress together.

Template 10

Dear [name],

I was hoping to hear from you by today’s deadline, but haven’t heard back yet. If possible, please let me know if there are any issues with the proposal or budget that we can work out before tomorrow morning. If not, I will move forward with my original plan and get things set up for next week’s meeting with (person).

Template 11

Dear [name],

I wanted to drop you a quick email today to let you know that we’ve made some progress on the [topic]. We’re still waiting for [person] to respond, but I wanted to let you know that things are moving forward. Please let me know as soon as possible so I can make the necessary changes. Thank you, (name), for your help with this project.

More Simplestic Email Reminder Templates  How do you politely remind someone to reply your email? Email Templates
