A cease and desist letter is a formal communication in which someone is ordered to stop certain behavior or activity. Such a letter is usually the first step taken in the process of legal action.

Here are 13 diverse cease and desist letter examples to guide you when you need to draft such a letter.

Disclaimer | 13 Cease and Desist Letter Examples

The information, examples, and templates provided in this article are intended to serve as general information and guidance on cease and desist letters, and should not be treated as legal advice.

Although every effort has been made to provide accurate and current information, legal advice can differ based on circumstances and jurisdiction.

As such, we strongly recommend consulting with a lawyer or legal counsel in your jurisdiction to ensure you are making the right decisions for your specific situation. Legal issues are complex and it’s always a good idea to have professional advice when navigating them.

13 Cease and Desist Letter Examples

In this type of cease and desist letter, you would ask the recipient to immediately stop using copyrighted materials without permission.

Subject: Unauthorized use of copyrighted material

Dear [Recipient’s Name],This communication is to inform you that you are currently using copyrighted material owned by [Your Name/Your Company’s Name] without permission. This unauthorized use is a direct violation of copyright laws. We respectfully request that you immediately cease and desist from this illegal activity.Sincerely,[Your Name and contact information]

2. Trademark Infringement

This cease and desist letter would be used when someone is unlawfully using your trademarked material.

Subject: Unauthorized use of trademark

Dear [Recipient’s Name],We noticed that you have been using [Your Company’s Name] trademark registered under [Registration Number] without consent. This use constitutes trademark infringement. We ask that you immediately cease usage of our trademark to avoid legal action.Best regards,[Your Name and contact information]

3. Defamation

If someone spreads false statements that harm your reputation, this is the cease and desist letter example you would use.

Subject: Cease and desist for defamation

Dear [Recipient’s Name],We noticed that you have made false and defamatory statements about [Your Name/Your Company’s Name]. This activity is intolerable and should be stopped immediately. If you do not cease these actions, we will take necessary legal steps.Regards,[Your Name and contact information]

4. Breach of Contract

When a contract isn’t honored by a party involved, this cease and desist letter comes in handy.

Subject: Cease and desist for breach of contract

Dear [Recipient’s Name], Our agreement dated 2024 stipulated that [specific terms]. We have discovered that you have failed to uphold these terms, which constitutes a breach of contract. We ask that you cease this breach and honor the original agreement without delay.Sincerely,[Your Name and contact information]

5. Debt Collection Harassment

If you’re being harassed by debt collectors, use this type of cease and desist letter.

Subject: Cease and desist for debt collection harassment

Dear [Collector’s Name],I request you cease all communication with me or anyone associated with me regarding the alleged debt. I am confident that your conduct violates debt collection laws and assert my rights under these laws.Regards,[Your Name and contact information]

6. Personal Harassment

If you’re being personally harassed, use the following template.

Subject: Cease and desist for harassmentDear [Harasser’s Name],

This is to inform you that your unwarranted harassment must stop immediately. If these uninvited intrusions persist, I will not hesitate to seek legal protection.Sincerely,[Your Name and contact information]

13 Cease and Desist Letter Examples

7. Stalking

In cases of stalking, a cease and desist letter often serves as the first warning.

Subject: Cease and desist for stalking

Dear [Stalker’s Name],I hereby formally warn that your unwarranted stalking activities are against the law and they must cease immediately. Failure to comply will lead to legal action.Yours,[Your Name and contact information]

8. Patent Infringement

If your patented product or design is being used without consent, you can send this type of letter.

Subject: Cease and desist for patent infringement

Dear [Infringer’s name],It has come to our attention that you have been using our patented product/design without authorization. This is a violation of our patent rights. We request that you immediately cease and desist to avoid further legal actions.Sincerely,[Your name and Contact Information]

9. Non-Compete Violation

In case someone is breaching a non-compete clause in an agreement:

Subject: Cease and desist for violating non-compete agreement

Dear [Recipient’s name],We have reason to believe that you have violated the non-compete agreement dated 2024 by [describe violation briefly]. We kindly request you to immediately stop these activities to avoid legal consequences.Respectfully,[Your name and Contact Information]

10. Invasion of Privacy

When someone is invading your privacy rights:

Subject: Cease and desist for invasion of privacy

Dear [Recipient’s name],We are alarmed by your unwarranted intrusion into our private affairs. This flagrant invasion of privacy is unacceptable and must stop immediately.Yours sincerely,[Your name and Contact Information]

11. Unsolicited Calls

If you’re receiving unsolicited calls, you can use the following:

Subject: Cease and desist for unsolicited calls

Dear [Collector’s name],Despite my previous requests, you have continued to make unsolicited calls which are causing distress. I ask you to honor my request and cease all such calls immediately.Kind regards,[Your name and Contact Information]

12. Contractor Disputes

If a contractor fails to honor the terms of an agreement:

Subject: Cease and desist for breaching contract terms

Dear [Recipient’s name],We have discovered that you have failed to uphold the terms of our agreement dated [Date] regarding [specific project]. This constitutes a breach of contract. We kindly request you to comply with the agreement terms immediately.Yours truly,[Your Name and contact information]

13. Cyber Bullying

In cases of online harassment or bullying:

Subject: Cease and desist for cyberbullying

Dear [Bully’s Name], The act of using digital communication to intimidate, harass, and cause distress is unacceptable. We urge you to cease your cyberbullying activities immediately or face legal consequences.Best regards,[Your Name and contact information]

These examples cover a broader range of cease and desist letters to help you protect your rights and put an end to undesirable actions or behavior. The key is to clearly state the unacceptable act and request the perpetrator to cease the said act to avoid ensuing legal actions, all while maintaining professionalism and respect.

However, these exemplifications should not be used as legal advice, and one should always seek professional legal consultation when drafting a cease-and-desist letter.
