39 Employee Termination Email Sample Templates

So you need to terminate an employee and write an email notifyin them. This is never easy. Even if the relationship between you and your employee has deteriorated, you should treat him or her with respect in your correspondence. Remember that once the email is sent, there is no going back, so do not take any chances and make sure that you have evidence of wrongdoing on their part before proceeding with termination.

Here are 39 Professional Employee Termination Email Sample Templates

  1. Thank you for the past three years of service at [company name]. We appreciate your hard work and dedication, and we wish you all the best. As per our contract, this is a formal notice of termination. Your last day of employment will be on 2024.
  2. It is with regret that I write to inform you of your termination from the [department] position with [company], Inc. Effective immediately, your employment has been terminated. Please see HR for details on your final paycheck. We appreciate all of the hard work that you put forth to help grow our company, and I hope that you will find other opportunities soon.
  3. I am writing to you because it has become clear that your employment here at Company Name is no longer going to work out. Of course, we are grateful for the work you’ve done and want to make sure that we handle the transition well so that everyone benefits from this change in employment.
  4. We regret that we have had to take this step. You have been a valuable employee and we wish you well in your future endeavours. Your final paycheck will be mailed to you next week. If you have not already scheduled a time to meet with the HR manager, please contact her as soon as possible.
  5. I’m sorry to have to deliver this message with such short notice, but it is time for you to leave the company. I appreciate all the hard work you put in for us over these past few years and hope you’ll find a new opportunity that makes use of your talent. Thank you for your time here at [company] and best wishes on your future endeavours.
  6. It is with regret that I am writing to inform you that we have decided to terminate your employment with the company effective immediately. This will be your official notice of termination and should not be construed as payment of accrued compensation or compensation for unused vacation time. All personal property belonging to you must be removed from the premises by 5:00 p.m. on the date below, or at any time thereafter if locks are changed by Company. Please contact Human Resources at [number] if you have questions about this letter or your responsibilities under this notice of termination. Sincerely,
  7. This is a letter to inform you that your services with our company will be terminated as of 2024. Please make arrangements with payroll to receive a final paycheck. We appreciate the job that you’ve done for us over the years and are sorry to see you go. If there is anything we can do in assisting you with employment elsewhere please don’t hesitate to contact me directly. Thank you,
  8. This letter is to inform you that this will be your last day as an employee. Your company email account, including the ability to send emails, will be disabled. Please clean out your cubicle space (or office) and turn in any company property or keys, then exit through the double doors at the rear entrance. Sincerely,
  9. Thank you for your hard work, dedication, and contribution to our company. Regretfully, it has come to our attention that we will no longer be able to offer you employment in accordance with our policy. It has been a pleasure working with you in the past year and I hope you have many more positive experiences ahead of you.
  10. As you know, we have been looking at individual performance data to determine where staffing needs to be improved. Based on these results, our supervisors and management team have decided it’s in the best interest of our company if we discontinue your employment with us. We wish you the best in your future endeavours.
  11. Thank you for your service to our company. We appreciate the dedication and hard work that you have given us over the past year. The termination of your employment will be effective immediately.
  12. I’m sorry to inform you that your employment will be terminated from Company on 2024. Your final paycheck will be issued after the assumption of all payroll obligations and collection of company equipment. Please clean out your desk, return any keys and company property, and vacate the premises by 2024. If there is any additional information that you would like to discuss please call me at [number].
  13. I am so sorry that things haven’t worked out at [company], and also sad to see you go. You were an important member of the team and we are going to miss your dedication, loyalty, and work ethic. I know we have parted on good terms and that you will do well in your future endeavours. Please accept this letter as formal notice of termination for your employment effective today. You are welcome to collect your items from the office before the closing of a business or have them shipped within two weeks. Should you require additional time off before starting another job please let me know as soon as possible so we may discuss options that fit into our schedule. Once again thank you for all your hard work – we wish you all the best in your future endeavours!
  14. I am writing to you in reference to your employment with [Company Name]. As of today, your employment here has been terminated. Your last day of work will be (insert date). Please return any company property that remains at your desk or in your possession at this time. You are reminded that it is against the law to disclose confidential information of any kind about the company, its operations and its employees. If you have any questions, please contact me at (insert contact details)
  15. I’m writing to let you know that your employment is being terminated. Your last day of employment will be on 2024. You will receive a check for one week’s salary for every year you worked with us, plus an extra week’s pay as severance. Please sign these documents and return them to me by the end of today. Please contact Human Resources with any questions or comments you have about these changes.
  16. We are writing to let you know that your employment with this company has been terminated as of today, 2024 It has been an honour working with you, and we will be sad to see you go. Please accept our sincere appreciation for everything that you have done for us.
  17. It is with regret that I must inform you that your position will be terminated immediately. Please report to Human Resources for your final paycheck and any benefits that may be owed. Thank you
  18. Thank you for your time at our company. On behalf of everyone here at [company], please accept our gratitude and appreciation for your contribution over the last few years. Unfortunately, due to a reduction in position, we have decided that you should find a new role elsewhere to make room for new talent. You will receive three months’ pay as severance upon completion of your final day at work.
  19.  Please accept this as official notification of your termination. Your employment has been terminated effective 2024 due to performance issues. We try our best to be fair, but cannot guarantee that an employee will be given a second chance should repeat unacceptable behaviour occur. Therefore, you are hereby terminated from your position at [Company Name] with immediate effect.
  20. I am writing to inform you that effective immediately, you are terminated from your employment at [organization name]. As you know, your performance has not been satisfactory; this is why we have decided to terminate your contract. We regret that things have come to this point.
  21. I regret the necessity of this communication. However, after careful consideration and numerous discussions with management, we have concluded that your employment should be terminated effective immediately.
  22. We regret to inform you that your employment with us has been terminated. Your last day will be on 2024, and your final paycheck will be mailed to you. Thank you for the time you have spent with us.
  23. I’m sorry to deliver this news, but as of 2024, your position will be terminated. Please gather your items and vacate the office immediately. We are going to go over any outstanding payroll or severance information at this time.
  24. I am writing to inform you that effective immediately, we are terminating your employment with [company name] for violation of company policies. Your last day in this position will be 2024. Please remove all company property from your workstation by the close of business on May 20th. Any personal or company items left at your desk after that time will be disposed of without further notice. We regret any inconvenience this may cause. If you have any questions, please contact me at [phone number]. Thank you for your attention to these issues and wish you the best in all future endeavours!
  25. As I am sure you are aware by now, we have decided to make some changes to our company’s structure and reorganize our operations. While we would like to keep you on board with us, we must make some changes to stay competitive in today’s business environment. As part of this change, your position has been eliminated. While I know this will be a disappointment, please rest assured that your work with our company has not gone unnoticed. We appreciate all that you have done for our organization over these years and wish you the best in your future endeavours.
  26. I am writing to inform you of the decision to terminate your employment with the company. In accordance with company policies, you will be issued a set period of notice that will expire at the end of this month. We wish you success in your future endeavours.
  27. I regret to inform you that the company is unable to retain your services any longer. Your final day at work will be 2024. We would like to express our gratitude for all the hard work and dedication that you have shown during your employment with our company.
  28. Please accept this letter as confirmation of your termination from employment. We appreciate all that you have done to help form the organization’s foundation and sincerely wish you well in the future. Please arrange a time with our HR manager to collect your belongings and final payment on 2024. We look forward to continuing working with you for years to come. Best Regards,
  29. Thank you for your time with our company. It has been a pleasure to work with you. Please see below for your final paycheck, issued with the understanding that you are no longer an official employee of [Company Name]. The first amount represents your accrued vacation as per company policy. The second amount represents all payments owed to you under the terms of the severance agreement finalized between you and our Human Resources department earlier today. Enjoy this time away and we wish you all the best!
  30. It is with much regret that I write to inform you of your termination from the Company. Please call me at [number] anytime today if you have any questions or concerns regarding this matter. This position was a great opportunity for you and we appreciate the time you gave us. We wish you all the best in your future endeavours.
  31. I’m writing to let you know that your employment with us is ending effective 2024. Thank you. We appreciate your contributions and hope you will use the many skills and experiences you have gained to positively impact your future endeavours. Although I don’t want to rush this decision, I felt it was necessary given my concerns about employee morale and performance. So as we move forward, please consider how we can work together in a way that best serves both [company] and yourself in addition to providing a positive working environment for all employees.
  32. I am writing to you to inform you that your employment with us has come to an end. Your last day will be on 2024. Although we value your contributions, we have found that your job no longer matches the needs of our company. We want you to know that your work is appreciated and we wish you luck in finding another opportunity where you can thrive. Please let us know if you have any questions about this decision. Best regards,
  33. You have been an outstanding member of the team and we regret that your employment with our company has ended. We hope that you will look back on your time here fondly, and feel proud of everything you accomplished. We also would like to extend our deepest gratitude for every valuable thing you gave us during the time we worked together.
  34. Thank you for your many years of service with our company. As part of the downsizing we announced several months ago, you are being laid off as of next 2024 and your last day will be 2024. Please pack up your items this afternoon and return them to the receptionist before 4 pm. We wish you all the best in finding a new job and we hope that you can find something that fits your skill set better than working here at Your Company. Please contact payroll, if you have any questions regarding severance pay or medical benefits.
  35. I am writing to inform you that we have decided to let you go as of 2024. We appreciate your contribution and understand that this decision is difficult. Please review your options as outlined in the attached document. Regards,
  36. Dear [name], I am writing to inform you that your employment as a [job] with our company is being terminated, effective immediately. This decision has been made after careful consideration of your performance, and the needs of our organization. We appreciate your past efforts with us and wish you luck in future endeavours. Your final check will be issued within 15 days. Sincerely,
  37. This is to inform you that your employment with our company has been terminated as of today, effective immediately. Please collect your personal belongings from your desk, and we will assemble for a brief meeting in the conference room at 5 pm to discuss any questions or concerns that you may have regarding your severance package. Thank you in advance for your cooperation with this process.
  38. It is with a heavy heart that I write this letter. As you know, we have not been able to manage your performance in a way that meets our expectations. We value you as a team member and wanted to give you ample opportunity to improve but unfortunately, it has not improved enough. Therefore it is with regret that I must terminate your employment effective immediately. Your last day will be next 2024. Thank you for your service.
  39. Thanks for your hard work over the last few months. Unfortunately, we’ve decided to let you go. Due to the relocation of our company, we will be saying goodbye to your services. We would like to thank you for all the hard work you have done over the years. We hope you find success in your future endeavours and we wish you the best of luck in finding a suitable new position.

39 Simple & Professional Resignation Email Samples(Opens in a new browser tab)
