If you’re leaving your job, it’s important to give two weeks’ notice. This will allow your employer time to find a replacement for you and make sure that everything runs smoothly during your last two weeks at work. There are many ways to do this, including sending an email or leaving a message on your boss’ voicemail. Here are some sample emails to notify your employer.

2 Weeks Notice Email Sample Templates

  1. This is a notification of my last two weeks of work with your company. I am very thankful to have experienced the opportunity to work with you and to have developed great relationships with co-workers over the past two years. I will recommend your company to others as an exceptional place to work and learn.
  2. This is a short email to let you know that I will be leaving the company in two weeks. My last day will be Friday, June 1st. Thank you for your time and consideration over the past few weeks as we went through the interview process. It was a pleasure working with you and I wish you all the best in your future endeavours.

  3. It is with regret that I write to inform you that I will be leaving [Company] on my last day of work on 2024. Thank you for all the opportunities you have given me and the knowledge I have gained over the past few years. Working at this company has been a very rewarding experience, which has allowed me to grow both as an individual and professional. As I look forward to my next adventure at [company name], rest assured that it was not an easy decision to take after all these years, but I know that it is the right one for my future
  4. Greetings! I wanted to give you 2 weeks’ notice of my resignation. I think it’s the right time for me to leave, and I have thoroughly enjoyed this last year working with you. From start form finish, your company exceeded my expectations, and I’d like to thank you for that.
  5. I’m writing to provide you with my 2-week notice of resignation. I have been blessed to have worked with your company these past six months. The people I’ve met and the projects I’ve worked on have been amazing and exciting.
  6. Thank you for your trust, your faith and your friendship. I will never forget what you have done for me and my family and I will forever be grateful. If I can ever do anything to help you, please do not hesitate to contact me.
  7. I wanted to send over a two-week notice of my resignation. I think it’s the right time for me to leave and I’m looking forward to what the future holds. It’s been great working with you and I want to thank you for all of your guidance along the way.
  8. I want to thank you for being such a great team to work with. I’m writing you this letter of resignation to let you know that I will be leaving Inline Systems in two weeks. After two great years on the job, I’ve decided that it’s the right time to move on and pursue my career goals. It’s been an incredible experience, and I’ve learned a lot from working with each of you.
  9. I’m writing to provide you with my 2-week notice of resignation. I’ve thoroughly enjoyed my time working with your company, and I’m sure you will appreciate having extra time to find a replacement for me.
  10. I am writing to provide you with my two-week notice. It has been a pleasure working with your organization for the past six months. I hope to stay in touch for years to come.
  11. I will be leaving your company next week because I’ve been offered an opportunity that I’m very excited about. I also want to thank you for being so supportive of my efforts.

39 Simple & Professional Resignation Email Samples(Opens in a new browser tab)
