Asking for help goes a long way in establishing connections and building positive relationships with your fellow professionals, but knowing how to ask is just as important. You’re asking them to take time out of their busy day to look over your stuff and make an informed decision about it. Being respectful of this fact will make the recipient easier to approach in the future too. Here are 26 Polite Follow-Up Email Sample For A Request:

Polite Follow-Up Email Sample For A Request | 25 Sample Emails
  1. Hi, It was great chatting with you earlier on [topic].  I’m just getting in touch to know whether you had a chance to review the email I previously sent to you.  I understand that you’re busy, but I request that you check your email and respond to me as soon as possible. What does your calendar look like would you have time for a 5-10 minute call?
  2. Hello, I’m following up on the conversation we had yesterday regarding [topic]. It was great chatting with you, but I would like to make sure that you have had a chance to review my email. Please let me know when it’s a good time for us to speak as there are some important points I want to bring up with you. I’d love to talk with someone at your company who can help me reach this goal.
  3. I’m following up on my earlier message and wanted to check in, just to see if you had a chance to review the email I previously sent. I understand that you’re busy and don’t want to waste your time, but I also want to confirm if this request is still current because I would like to move forward with the actions next week. If not, do you know who the appropriate person is for me to speak with?
  4. I am emailing you again because I was hoping to discuss the situation that was discussed on Wednesday on the phone. Could you confirm whether or not it is possible for me to speak with you on [day, time]? If that isn’t possible, could you please let me know when would be convenient for you?
  5. Hi {Name}, thanks for your time. I’m just following up on the request I sent to you last week. To be honest, I’m struggling to get hold of a high-level manager at [company] and thought maybe they would be able to give me some guidance. Would this be possible at all?
  6. Thank you for taking the time to speak with me. I appreciate it. I’m just getting in touch to make sure that you’re okay with going ahead with the development of Idea [topic]. If not, please let me know what else would work for us. Thank you!
  7. I’m just getting in touch to know whether you reviewed the email I previously sent to you. If not, do you know who is the appropriate person for me to speak to? If so, what does your calendar look like would you have time for a 5-10 minute call?
  8. It was great talking to you earlier on [topic]. I’m just getting in touch to know whether you had a chance to review the email I previously sent to you. If not, do you know who is the appropriate person for me to speak to?
  9. I just wanted to follow up on the email I sent you earlier, for [topic]. It would be great if you could give me a call back when you have time. If not, do you know who else I can speak to about this? What does your calendar look like today?
  10. I just wanted to follow up on the email I sent earlier. I’m hoping you got a chance to review it and would appreciate any feedback you may have.
  11. Hi [Name], Hope you’re having a great week! It’s been a couple of weeks since we last spoke, and I thought it would be a good idea to follow up with you. Have you had a chance to look over the form I sent you last week? Do you have any questions about it? Let me know if you need me to send you another copy or if you need more time or have questions.
  12. Hi [Name], Hope you’re having a great week! I wanted to check in and see if you had a chance to look over the form I sent last week. Do you have any questions about it? Let me know if you need me to send another copy or if you need more time. Thanks,
  13. Hi [Name], I hope you’re having a great week!  I hope you were able to review and edit the form I sent you last week. Do you have any suggestions or questions about it? Let me know.
  14. Hi [Name], I hope you are well. Just checking in again about the form I sent last week. Is there anything else you need from me?
  15. Hello [Name], It’s [name] from the marketing department here. I hope this message finds you well! I wanted to see if you could get back to me in regards to our last email.Let me know if you have any questions!
  16. Hi [Name], I was hoping to get your email and see how we can move forward. My goal is to make this as smooth of a process as possible, but I will need some information from you first. I have attached a copy of the form below. Please let me know if you have any questions while filling it out, or if there’s anything that should be added or removed.
  17. Hi [Name], Hope you’re having a great week! Have you had a chance to look over the form I sent you last week? Do you have any questions about it? Let me know if you need me to send you another copy or if you need more time or have questions. Thanks,
  18. I hope you are having a great week! I would like to follow up on our conversation last week. I asked you if you had a chance to look over the form I sent you and it didn’t appear that you were able to. The copy I sent should have been helpful with anything else I needed from you on this matter. If there are any questions please do not hesitate to reach out to me so we can keep moving forward and complete this transaction quickly!
  19. I hope you are having a wonderful week. I am following up to make sure that you have enough time to review the form and make changes if necessary. Feel free to contact me if you have any questions about the information I sent, or simply when you would like to sign and return them.
  20. I’m following up on our conversation last week. In that call, we went over the visa application and other requirements needed for the trip. I hope you have had a chance to review the resources I sent over. All of your questions will be listed there, if not please do not hesitate to reach out to me so that we can keep moving forward and get this transaction completed quickly!
  21. Hope all is going well. I just wanted to follow up on the project we discussed last week. It seems like you have been pretty busy lately, which is understandable! You are probably getting ready to start another busy season.
  22. Hi [Name], Hope you’re having a great week! Have you had a chance to look over the form I sent you last week? Do you have any questions about it? Let me know if you need me to send you another copy or if you need more time or have questions. Thanks,
  23. Hi [Name], I hope you’re having a great week! I’m following up on the form I sent you last week with a few questions. Have you had a chance to look over the form? Do you have any questions or need me to send another copy? Let me know if you need more time or if there is anything else I can do to help. Hope that helps,
  24. Hi [Name], Hope you’re having a great week! I sent you an email last week asking if you could let me know when you are available to meet up so that we can discuss the possibility of your joining our team/clinic. Have you had a chance to look over the form I sent you last week? Please let me know if there is anything else I can provide to give you information regarding our offer. Let me know if you need me to send you another copy or if you need more time or have questions. Thanks,
  25. I hope you are well! A few days ago you sent a message thanking me for my request, but then I didn’t hear back from you after following up with a follow-up. I would love to work with you on the [project] if you have the availability and this would also be a great opportunity for us to get started together. Let me know if you want to get started.

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