How to write an invoice email | Examples & Excerpts

In this article, we will provide guidance on how to write an invoice email as well as email examples you can use when requesting an invoice from a vendor, client, or service provider. Having solid invoice request email templates can help streamline your accounts receivable processes and ensure you get paid on time.

With a well-written email, you can specify details like the project, purchase order number, and expected due date to prevent any confusion. You also create a paper trail showing you made the request in case there are any issues.

Whether you need to request an invoice from a new or existing business contact, the example emails below aim to make it straightforward. With the right email, you can promptly obtain the invoices you require while maintaining positive relationships.

How to write an invoice email | Tips & Excerpts 

Be Polite  

When emailing to request an invoice, it’s important to start off politely. Open your email with a warm greeting like “Hi [name]” or “Hello [name]”. Being courteous from the very first line sets a polite, professional tone for the rest of your request.

You want to avoid sounding demanding or rude. A simple “Hi” or “Hello” reminds the recipient that there’s a real person on the other end of the email. It’s a small but meaningful way to show respect for their time.

State Your Purpose

Clearly and politely state that you are requesting an invoice in the first line of the email. This avoids any confusion and gets straight to the point. For example:

“I am writing to request an invoice for the work recently completed on Project X.”

The recipient will immediately know why you are contacting them. Follow this opening line by specifying which project or services you need to be invoiced. Provide key details like project name, location, completion date or invoice number to identify the work. For example:

“Please send an invoice for the branding work completed last month on the ABC Company redesign project.”

Being direct about needing an invoice helps set clear expectations upfront. The recipient can then provide what you need without having to ask clarifying questions back and forth. Starting with a clear request improves efficiency for both parties.

 Provide Details

When writing an invoice email provide all the relevant details to your vendor or client. This helps them easily locate the correct project or order and generate the invoice efficiently.

Some key details to include:

– Project name or service provided
– Dates or date range the work was completed
– Purchase order number, if you provided one
– Any specific billing codes or cost centers
– Breakdown of costs if you have them (hours x rate, itemized expenses, etc)

Providing these types of details will help avoid confusion or delays in getting your invoice processed. It also demonstrates professionalism and good business practices on your part.

For example:
Please generate an invoice for the design work completed on Project ABC from August 1-15, 2022, as outlined in our agreement dated July 10, 2022. Our PO number for this project is 1234. Please direct any billing questions or invoice submittal to…”

For a project-based invoice:
I am writing to request an invoice for the services rendered on Project XYZ. The project started on [start date] and ended on [end date]. Could you please provide an invoice that details the services provided and any applicable expenses? If possible, please ensure that the invoice is marked with the project name and corresponding purchase order number. Thank you.

For a product-based invoice:
I am writing to request an invoice for a recent purchase made on 2024. The order was for [product name or description]. Could you please provide an invoice that details the products purchased, along with any applicable discounts or shipping charges? If possible, please ensure that the invoice is marked with the corresponding order number. Thank you.

For a recurring service or subscription invoice:
I am requesting an invoice for the recurring services or subscriptions that we have agreed upon. Please provide an invoice that details the services or subscriptions purchased, the frequency of payments, and any applicable taxes or fees. If applicable, please ensure that the invoice is marked with the agreed-upon contract or subscription number.

For an invoice related to a specific task:
I am writing to request an invoice for a specific task completed on 2024. The task was related to [description of task]. Could you please provide an invoice that indicates the services rendered, the corresponding charges, and any applicable taxes? If possible, please ensure that the invoice includes the task number or reference number for proper tracking.

For an invoice that includes multiple projects or services:
I am writing to request an invoice that includes multiple projects or services. The projects or services include [list of projects or services], each with its corresponding purchase order number. Could you please provide an invoice that itemizes the services rendered and any applicable expenses? If possible, please ensure that the invoice includes each purchase order number for proper tracking.

For an invoice that needs to be expedited:
I am writing to request an expedited invoice for the services rendered. As this invoice is needed for our accounting records, could you please prioritize our request for the invoice? Please provide an invoice that indicates the services rendered, the corresponding charges, and any applicable taxes. If possible, please mark the invoice as urgent and let us know when to expect the invoice to be sent.

 Request Due Date

When sending your email to request an invoice, it can be helpful to include a polite question asking when you can expect to receive the invoice. This gives the recipient a natural opening to provide a timeline and prevents any mismatched expectations. For example, you may say:

“Please let me know when I could expect to receive the invoice for this work.”

“If you could give me an idea of when the invoice will be ready, I’d appreciate it.”

“I would greatly appreciate it if you could provide an estimated timeframe for when I can expect to receive the invoice. This will help us plan our payment process accordingly.”

“Could you kindly let me know when I should expect to receive the invoice? We want to make sure it aligns with our accounting procedures and payment schedule.”

“Is there a specific timeline for invoicing? It would be helpful to know when we can anticipate receiving the invoice to ensure a smooth payment process.”

“I understand that generating an invoice may take some time, but if you could provide an approximate date by which I can expect to receive it, it would assist us in our internal financial planning.”

“To help us maintain accurate records and budgeting, would you be able to provide an estimated date for when I can expect to receive the invoice?”

Giving them a chance to tell you when it will be done allows them to provide their standard time frame, or alert you if there may be delays. It also shows that you understand they need time to prepare it and are not demanding an immediate turnaround. Just be sure to keep the request casual and polite, not pushy.

Express Appreciation

After writing an invoice email, thank the person providing the invoice for their time and assistance. Though invoicing can feel routine, expressing gratitude helps build goodwill and an ongoing positive relationship.

Some example appreciation statements:

– Thank you for taking the time to provide this invoice. I appreciate your help with this.

– I’m grateful for your assistance. Sending over this invoice helps me wrap up my records.

– I really appreciate you sending over the invoice. Thanks for working with me.

Just wanted to say thanks for getting this invoice to me! I know you’re busy, and I’m grateful for your time.

– I appreciate your help getting this invoice sent my way. It’s a big help and I’m glad we could connect on it.

Thanking the person providing the invoice demonstrates professionalism and strengthens your business relationship. Though it’s a simple task, gratitude can go a long way.

Offer Contact Information

It’s important that you provide your own contact details in the email so the supplier can reach you if they have any questions or issues with preparing the invoice.

Include information like:

– Your full name
– Job title/position
– Company name
– Email address
– Direct office phone number or cell phone number

This contact information allows the supplier to get in touch easily if needed. Having open communication channels can help speed up the invoicing process and resolve any potential confusion.

Be sure your details are up-to-date and that you will be available via your preferred contact method. Clearly stating this information makes you readily accessible to the supplier and demonstrates your commitment to finalizing the invoice.

Make A Clear Follow-Up Plan

When writing an invoice email it’s important to let the recipient know what your plans are if you don’t receive the invoice by your requested due date. This helps set clear expectations on both sides.

You can state something like:

“If I don’t receive the invoice by [due date], I will follow up with you again on 2024 to ensure you received my request.”

“Please let me know if you will not be able to send the invoice by [due date] so we can discuss adjusting the timeline if needed.”

“In the event that I don’t receive the invoice by [due date], I will reach out to you again on [follow-up date] to ensure that my request was received and to discuss any necessary adjustments.”

“If I haven’t received the invoice by [due date], I will follow up with you on [follow-up date] to confirm that it will be sent soon. Please let me know if there are any unexpected delays that I should be aware of.”

“Could you please confirm if the invoice will be sent by [due date]? If I haven’t received it by then, I will contact you again on [follow-up date] to discuss the matter further.”

“In the event that I don’t receive the invoice by [due date], I will send a gentle reminder on [follow-up date] to ensure it hasn’t been overlooked. Please let me know if there are any unforeseen circumstances that may delay the invoicing process.”

“If the invoice is not received by [due date], I will follow up with you on [follow-up date] to check on the status. Please keep me informed if anything changes or if there are any issues that may affect the timeline.”

Making a clear follow-up plan demonstrates professionalism on your part and prevents any miscommunication down the line if there are delays with the invoice. It also prompts the recipient to provide status updates if they cannot meet your initial request.

Following up shows you are serious about receiving the invoice in a timely manner, while also giving the recipient a chance to explain any holdups. With a clear plan stated upfront, the lines of communication will remain open.

Close Politely

When closing your email, be sure to end on a polite and professional note. This will leave the recipient with a positive final impression after reading your request.

Some examples of polite email closings include:

– Best regards,
– Sincerely,
– Thank you,
– Have a good day,
– Respectfully,
– Kindly,

Ending with a simple “Thank you” or “Best” before your name is a safe choice. Avoid overly casual or familiar closings like “Later” or using first names only, unless you have an established relationship with the recipient. Maintain a professional tone even as you wrap up your email.

Signing off politely solidifies the courteous tone you want to achieve when asking for an invoice by email. It shows respect for the recipient’s time and attention. With the right email etiquette, you can increase your chances of promptly receiving the invoice you need.

How to write an invoice email | Example Emails

Here are some example emails you can use when requesting an invoice:

Example 1

Hi [name],

I hope this email finds you well. I wanted to follow up on our recent order for [description of product/service ordered]. Please send over an invoice at your earliest convenience.

If you could get it to me by 2024 that would be great. Let me know if you need any additional details from me.


[Your name]

Example 2

Dear [name],

I am reaching out regarding [project name or description] that we recently discussed. I would greatly appreciate it if you could send over an invoice for the completed work.

Please include:

– Date work was completed
– Itemized list of services provided
– Total amount owed

Feel free to give me a call if you need any clarification or have any other questions as you prepare the invoice. I look forward to receiving it by 2024.

[Your name]

Example 3

Hi [name],

I wanted to follow up on getting an invoice for [project, product, or service]. Please send it over at your earliest convenience.

If you could get it to me by 2024, that would be ideal. I need to submit it to our accounting department as soon as possible. Let me know if you need any additional details from me. Please feel free to email or call with any questions.

Thank you for your help!

[Your name]

Example 4


I am following up on my request for an invoice for [description of product or service]. Please provide a detailed invoice with :

– Itemized list of products/services provided
– Quantity
– Unit price
– Total amount due

Please send the invoice by 2024. Let me know if you need any other information from me.

Looking forward to receiving it. Thank you for your prompt attention to this matter.

[Your name]

Example 5

Dear [name],

I wanted to reach out regarding the invoice for our recent order, number [XXXXX].

Could you please send over the invoice at your earliest convenience? Our accounts payable department needs it to process the payment.

Please let me know if you need me to provide any other details. I’m happy to help expedite the process. I appreciate you sending it by 2024. Please don’t hesitate to reach out with any questions.

Best regards,
[Your name]

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