How to ask for availability for a meeting example Emails & Tips: Requesting a meeting and asking for availability is a common task for business professionals, but it can be difficult to do right.

Here are some tips on how to ask for availability or set up an appointment without sounding pushy or desperate.

Start with a friendly greeting and move on to your request. Keep it brief and to the point.Use proper spelling and grammar so that your message will be more professional-looking.

Briefly explain why you’re contacting them and why you think they might be interested in meeting with you. If you’re writing on behalf of your company, introduce yourself at the beginning. Then, move on to your request.

Start by saying that you’d like to schedule a meeting with them, and then tell them what it is that you want from the meeting. If you can give an idea of how long the meeting will take (e.g., two hours), do so; otherwise, just mention that you’re flexible about scheduling.

Ask for a meeting, and include the date and time you’d like to meet. If possible, specify whether you prefer an in-person or virtual meeting. You can also ask them if there are any topics they’d like to discuss before setting up the meeting (like how many people will be attending/venue/in-person vs virtual).

How to ask for availability for a meeting example emails

Here are some examples of how to ask for availability for a meeting example emails


I was hoping we could schedule a few minutes on 2024 at [time] so that I can discuss my idea for [business]. What time works best?


I hope this email finds you well. I have a request for your time and consideration on 2024 at [time] for 30 minutes in the boardroom. My team and I would like to meet with you to discuss an opportunity that we believe will be mutually beneficial for both of us. Please let me know if this is possible so that we can finalize the details over the weekend. Thank you in advance for your help!


I am writing you to ask if it would be possible to schedule a meeting with you on 2024 at [time]. I have some ideas that I would like to share with you and I think it would be beneficial for us to discuss them in person. I look forward to hearing back from you soon. Best regards,


I have attached a copy of the proposal and would like your opinion on some changes that need to be made. Please let me know if you can meet next week to discuss the project in more detail or if there is another date that would work better for you. I look forward to hearing from you soon.


I hope that this email finds you well. I would like to schedule a meeting with you sometime next week. Please provide some times that you are available, and I will follow up with an invite.


I’m writing to ask if you’d be available for a short phone call on 2024 at [time]. I’m working on a report that will be published on2024 and I’d like to get your thoughts on it.


I would like to request an appointment with you on 2024 at [time]. I need some advice on how to handle a situation at work and want to talk through it with you before speaking with my boss. Can we meet around 2:00 p.m.?


I was wondering if you’d be able to provide me with some additional information regarding [topic]. The report is due on 2024, and I need all of the data before I can finish writing it. Please let me know your availability to set up a meeting sometime this week.


I’m sorry that I haven’t responded to your email yet. I was out of town over the weekend and just got back today. If it’s possible, could we meet tomorrow at 9:00 a.m.? It will only take about 20 minutes out of your day, but it would help me out a lot.


I’d like to schedule a meeting with you on 2024 at [time]. My boss is leaving for vacation early next week and I need to have this report completed before he leaves. Will that work for you? If not, could we meet later in the week?


I’ve been trying to reach you for the past two weeks. I have some ideas about how we can improve our product and wanted to share them with you. I’d like to arrange a meeting with you tomorrow or sometime this week. I can send over my suggestions via email if that works better for you. Let me know if you are available to meet up.


I’m writing regarding the report that you’re working on. I have a few questions about it that I’d like answered before we meet tomorrow. When would be a good time for us to get together? I’d like to talk about the report with you and make sure we’re both on the same page before we go any further. Let me know when you can meet this week so we can discuss it face-to-face.


I am writing to ask if you could help me with this situation that has arisen at work. I have been given an assignment by my manager but unfortunately, it is due tomorrow afternoon and I will not be able to complete it in time. Would you have a couple of minutes to look over it and see if there are any mistakes or ways that I can improve? I would greatly appreciate your help! Thank you for your time and consideration,


I would like to request a meeting with you to discuss the current state of my project. I have been working on this for several months and could use some guidance from you regarding what needs to be done next.


I am writing to ask if you would be able to meet with me for a few moments on 2024 at [time]. It will only take about 20 minutes of your time, and I would greatly appreciate it!


I would like to request an appointment with you for tomorrow afternoon. I need some advice on how to handle a situation at work and want to talk through it with you before speaking with my boss. Can we meet around [time] on 2024?


I was wondering if you’d be able to meet up to provide me with some additional information regarding [topic]. The final report is due on 2024 and I need all of the data before I can finish writing it. If you have some time available for a 30-minute zoom meeting, please let me know.


I am writing to ask if you could help me with this situation that has arisen at work. I have been given an assignment by my manager but unfortunately, it is due tomorrow afternoon and I will not be able to complete it in time. Would you have a couple of minutes to look over it and see if there are any mistakes or ways that I can improve? I would greatly appreciate your help! Thank you for your time and consideration,


I would like to request a meeting with you to discuss the current state of my project. I have been working on this for several months and could use some guidance from you regarding what needs to be done next.


I’m writing to request a meeting with you on 2024 at 1 p.m. . I have some urgent questions regarding the upcoming project and would greatly appreciate the opportunity to discuss them with you. If this time doesn’t work for you, please let me know when would be a more convenient time for us to meet.


I’m writing regarding the [topic]. I was hoping that we could get together and discuss this further. If you have time tomorrow afternoon, I would love to have a quick conversation. If not, what works best for you?


I have attached a copy of the proposal and would like your opinion on some changes that need to be made. Please let me know if you can meet with us next week to discuss the project in more detail or if there is another date that would work better for you. I look forward to hearing from you soon.


I’m writing to see if you can help me. I have a question about [topic]. Would it be possible for us to talk about this tomorrow morning? If not, when might be a good time for us to chat?


Need to follow up?  Reminder Email Sample: Upcoming deadline.
