How do you phrase a Job Rejection Letter as a Candidate? Here are Email Templates to professionally reject a job.


I am sorry to inform you that I have declined the position with the company. While I really appreciate your time and consideration, this role is not a good fit for me. I feel lucky to be in the position where I have accepted another role at another company and look forward to learning new skills and gaining more experience as an Android developer there.


Thank you for considering me for the [position] role. Unfortunately, I am no longer able to accept this offer due to other commitments that are already in my schedule. I enjoyed speaking with you about [company] and its mission, as well as your role in the organization. It sounds like an exciting company where you will be sure to grow and develop both personally and professionally.


Thank you very much for your time and consideration. Although I am sorry to be turning down your offer, I appreciate the opportunity to have met with you; it was a pleasure getting to know more about this position and how your team works together.


Thank you for the opportunity, but I have decided not to accept your offer.


Thank you for taking the time to meet with me about the open role on your team. It is clear that you have a great deal of experience and I appreciate the opportunity to learn more about your company, but unfortunately I will not be applying for this role. As we discussed, it is an exciting time at [company] and now might be a better fit for me. Thank you again for your time, best wishes in the future!


Thank you for taking the time to consider me for your open position. While I am very excited about the opportunity at [company], I have decided not to pursue it at this time due to personal reasons. I am still considering opportunities within your industry and thank you again for considering me as a candidate. Sincerely,


Thank you very much for considering me for [position(s)] at [company]. I appreciate your kind consideration and the opportunity to interview for this position. Unfortunately, I will not be able to accept the offer. Please do keep me in mind should other openings arise.


Thank you for offering me a position as part of your team. While I am excited to be a part of a company that shares my passion for producing quality products, I feel it best for me to move on at this time. regretting not helping with you in accomplishing your goals and wish you all the best in finding the right person for this position.


Thank you for your interest in my application to your company. I am grateful for the opportunity to consider the open position. However, after careful thought, I have decided that another opportunity would be more beneficial at this time of my career. Thank you again for your time and consideration and I wish you all the best of luck in finding someone suitable for this role.


If you  found this list of Job Rejection Letter from Candidate useful, check out other Simplesic Email templates:  How to Write a Email for a Job Application: Tips & Sample Emails
