Introducing Someone Via Email Sample

An email to introduce someone is a great way to connect with people who might not otherwise meet. An introduction email can also be a good way to get in touch with someone you’d like to work with—for example, if you have a project idea you want them on board for or if they’re looking for new clients. If you have a friend or colleague who would be perfect for your company, introduce them.

Introducing Someone Via Email Sample

So if you’ve been asked to introduce someone via email. Here’s how to do it:

-Introduce someone to another person via email.
-Make it short and sweet.
-State why you’re introducing them (what they do).
-Provide contact information for both parties.

Here are some Introducing Someone Via Email Sample Templates:


Hi [name],

I wanted to introduce you to [name]. They’re a great person and I think you’ll get along well. I’ve included their contact info below, so feel free to reach out if you’d like to talk. Otherwise, enjoy the rest of your day!


Introducing yourself

Hi [name],

I’m [your name]. I just wanted to introduce myself and tell you a little bit about myself. I work at [company name] as an [position] in the [department]. I’ve been with this company for about 2 years now, and I love it!

I’m very excited about our upcoming project together and would love to get started as soon as possible. Please let me know if there’s anything I can do for you in the meantime!


Introducing someone/a friend for a podcast

Hi [first name],

I wanted to introduce you to my friend [name]. We met at [event] and got to talking about how much we loved your podcast. We were wondering if you might be able to interview him for the episode [number]. He is such a smart and interesting guy, and I think your listeners would love to hear from him.


Introducing a coworker

Hey [Name],

How’s it going? I hope you’re having a good week so far. I know I’ve been looking forward to seeing you in person again. It’s been way too long!

I wanted to introduce you to [Name]. They’re an awesome person and just started working at [company name] last month. They’ve already made some great connections and are making a lot of friends in the office. They’d love to meet you, too! If you’re free for lunch this week, let me know if you’d like to get together with us then!

Hi [recipient name],

I wanted to introduce you to my coworker, [coworker name]. [Coworker name] has been working with me for a few months now and has been a huge help in getting things done. I know that their skills will be a great addition to your team. I’ll let them tell you more about themselves below. I hope you’ll be able to get in touch soon!

Hi [name],

I’m writing to introduce you to my coworker [name]. We’ve been working together in the same department for a few months now, and I think you’d hit it off. They are super friendly and great at their job, and they have a lot of experience in [field]—they’re the perfect person to take on that project you’ve been working on!

If you’re free sometime this week, let me know if you’d like to meet up. I think you’ll enjoy getting to know them as much as I do.


Introducing someone for a professional connection

Hey [name],

I’ve been meaning to send you this email for a while, but I just haven’t gotten around to it. How have you been?

Anyway, I wanted to introduce you to someone who may be of interest to you. Her name is [name], and she’s one of our interns here at [company name]. She’s in her last semester of college and will be graduating with an English degree in May. We think she’d be a great addition to your team because she has such an eye for detail and a strong work ethic. She also loves animals and wants to work in an environment where she can help protect them from abuse and neglect.

You can check out her resume here: [link]. Let me know if you want me to connect the two of you!


Introducing Someone Via Email Sample |
Introducing someone in the same field

Hello [name],

I wanted to introduce you to [name]. I met her at a conference last week and we’ve been talking about how she’s looking for new opportunities in [field], and I thought you’d be a great fit for each other.

She’s got a lot of experience in [field], but she’s also really interested in learning more about [topic]. I know that you’re an expert at that, so if you want to connect with her via email, feel free to reach out.

Hi [name],

I wanted to introduce you to my coworker, [name]. You two may have a lot in common. [Name] is also a [profession], and she’s been working at our company for 2 years. She loves her job because it lets her give back to the community by helping people who are struggling with their finances.

I know that I’m always asking you for advice when it comes to my finances, so I thought it would be good if we could all get together sometime soon. I’d love to hear more about what you do too!


Introducing yourself & colleague

Dear [name],

I hope you’re well. I’m writing to introduce myself and my colleague, [name]. We recently started working together on the [company name] team, and we’re both eager to get to know you better. We’re both looking forward to collaborating with you!

Please let me know if there’s anything we can do for you or if there’s anything else we can do to make your experience with us as smooth as possible.


Introducing New Team members

Hi [name],

I’m writing to introduce you to one of our new team members, [name]. They’re going to be working with us on the [project name] project.

[Name] is an excellent communicator who can help us keep track of all the [project name]. I hope you two will be able to make use of each other’s skill sets and learn from each other. Please let me know if you need anything!


Introducing someone for a work opportunity

Hi [name],

I’d like to introduce you to [person’s name]. They are a fantastic writer and I think we should consider them for your writing team. I’ve asked them to write up a sample piece for you, so please feel free to give it a read. If you have any questions or concerns, please feel free to reach out anytime! Please let me know if you’d like to connect with them.

Thanks again!

Hi [name],

I’d like to introduce you to [name]. I’ve been working with them for a few years now, and they have the kind of passion and dedication that makes me feel like we’re all in this together. They’re also extremely creative, which is a huge bonus.

They’ll be in your area next week and thought they might be able to come by your office for a quick meeting. If you have time in your schedule, please let me know when it works best for you!

Hi [name],

I wanted to introduce you to my coworker [name]. She’s had a lot of experience in the industry and is looking for something new. I know she’d be a great fit for your company, so please feel free to reach out if you have any questions!

Hi [name],

I’d love to introduce you to my coworker, [name]. She’s a great fit for the position we discussed, and I think you’ll find she’s an excellent addition to your team.

If you’d like to reach out, I can give you her contact information. I hope you have a wonderful day!

Hey [Name],

I hope this finds you well. I wanted to introduce you to my coworker, [Name]. She’s been looking for an opportunity to work in the same field as you, and she has some skills that I think would be very valuable to your team.

I’m sure you know how hard it can be to find good people, so I wanted to save you some time by making sure that you knew about her!

Hi [Name],

I wanted to introduce you to [Name] and let you know that she’s looking for a new opportunity. I thought she could be a good fit for your company because she’s a great writer and has experience writing for both marketing and editorial content. She also has experience working on campaigns that target millennials, which is something I know [company name] do quite a lot of!

When we were in college together, she was always the first person I came to when I needed help with my writing, so I know she would be an asset to any team. She worked on her blog (and still does!) where she wrote about how to be more productive at work, how to get rid of clutter in your home, and things like that. She also worked as a freelance writer for some local publications here in town—you can see some examples of her work here: [link].

I hope this helps give you insight into who she is and what she brings to the table. Feel free to reach out if you have any questions or want more information!


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