How To Ask For A Letter Of Recommendation Via Email Sample

It takes courage to ask for a letter of recommendation. Here are some tips to help you get started: 1. Ask someone who knows you well and has experience writing letters of recommendation. If it’s a professor you want as your recommender, it helps if you’re taking a class from them or if they know other people at the institution you’re applying to. 2. Find out how many letters of recommendation are required by the school. 3. Make sure your email follows standard business etiquette by addressing your recipient as Mr., Mrs., Ms., or Dr., using an appropriate salutation (To Whom It May Concern), and closing with Best Wishes or Regards in addition to thanking the reader for his/her time and consideration in writing the letter.”

Here are 47 Sample Emails | How To Ask For A Letter Of Recommendation Via Email |
  1. I would like to request a letter of reference from you. My resume and cover letter are attached. Thank you for your time and consideration.
  2. I would like to request a letter of recommendation. I need your help to make my application stand out and I am hoping that you will be able to provide me with a recommendation.
  3. I would like to request a letter of recommendation from you. I am applying to graduate school and need your help to make my application stand out. Please let me know if you will be able to provide me with a recommendation.
  4. I would like to request a letter of recommendation from you. Please see my enclosed resume for more information on the qualities and skills that I bring to your institution. If there are any additional materials you need, please contact me at [insert phone number here], or via email at [insert email address here]. Your prompt response will be greatly appreciated! Thank you for your consideration!
  5. I would like to request a letter of recommendation from you. I have been so grateful for your guidance and support over the last two years, and I feel like my application would benefit from more personal statements and recommendations. Please let me know if you will be able to provide me with a recommendation.
  6. I am requesting a letter of recommendation from you. I would greatly appreciate your help and expertise to write the letter which will make my application stand out. Please let me know if you are willing to provide me with this reference material.
  7. I would like to request a letter of recommendation from you. Please let me know if you are willing to write on my behalf and if so, what are the instructions I need to follow.
  8. I would like to request a letter of recommendation from you. It is required for my education at [School]. I would be grateful if you could provide me with a recommendation.
  9. I would like to request a letter of recommendation from you. I am currently applying for an opportunity with [company name] with an open position in [field], and can use your high regards as reference when contacting the hiring manager. Thank you for your consideration! Best,
  10. I want to apply for a job and one of the requirements is an official letter of recommendation from a manager at your company. I would really appreciate this opportunity and would be grateful if you could write me a letter as soon as possible.
  11. I know that your time is precious, so I hope you will understand when I say that I would be very grateful if you could write a letter of recommendation on my behalf. I am currently applying to graduate school and would greatly appreciate any insights you may have into my professional development over the last 2 years.
  12. I would like to request a letter of recommendation from you for my MBA application. May I please have your permission and support regarding this matter?
  13. As your former student, I would greatly appreciate if you could write a letter of recommendation for me to help me get into this prestigious medical school.
  14. My name is [name], we worked together 3 years ago, and I was in your marketing research class. I just wanted to reach out and ask if you can write a letter of recommendation for me. I would greatly appreciate it.
  15. Hi Professor, It’s great to see you again. Thanks for making [class] 101 so much fun last semester. I’m applying to med school, and I think you’d be a great reference. As I look back at my time at Penn State, I am particularly grateful for your warm and generous guidance. Thank you.
  16. I am applying for the position of [job title]. Please let me know if you are willing to write a letter of recommendation on my behalf. Thank you.
  17. I would like to request a letter of recommendation from you. I have worked as an intern in your company in [year] and had a wonderful experience with the company. I am now pursuing my Master’s degree from University. I would appreciate your help.
  18. I would be grateful if you could write a letter of recommendation for me. I worked as an intern in your company in [year] and had an unforgettable experience with the wonderful group of people I’ve met. When I applied to a Master’s program, the most important thing was your letter, which introduced me as a credible applicant.
  19. I’m currently enrolled at [university] for a Master’s degree. I’ve completed two of three years and want to thank you for your recommendation of me as an intern. I had an incredible experience, and it helped me better prepare for what I’m doing now.
  20. It is a great honor to request a letter of recommendation from you. I believe your recommendation will add significant weight to my application packet. I would greatly appreciate your writing a recommendation for me.
  21. I would be grateful if you could recommend me as a candidate for [insert the name of ] Fellowship. I am applying for a scholarship and need strong recommendations to succeed. Would you be willing to provide me with a letter of recommendation?
  22. I would like to ask for your assistance in writing a letter of recommendation on my behalf. I am applying to graduate school and want to make sure my application stands out. Please let me know if you are able to provide me with a recommendation.
  23. I am applying to grad school and need your help to make my application stand out. I would like to request a letter of recommendation from you. Please let me know if you will be able to provide me with a recommendation.
  24. I am writing to request a letter of recommendation from you. I am applying to graduate school and need your help to make my application stand out. This is an important next step in my career, and I thank you for considering this request.
  25. I would like to request a letter of recommendation from you. I have taken several of your classes and can confidently state that you have been an influential part of my school career. Your insight and experience would be valuable in helping me get into graduate school. Please let me know if you will be able to provide me with a recommendation.
  26. Hello Professor Jackson, I would like to request a letter of recommendation from you. I am applying to graduate school and need your help to make my application stand out. Please let me know if you will be able to provide me with a recommendation. I was surprised at how much I learned in your class – it really opened my eyes to this new field of study and made me consider what my future could look like if I pursue it. As a freshman, it was hard for me to see where everything fit with my life goals until I took your class. Thank you for your time and consideration. I look forward to hearing from you soon regarding my request.
  27. I am applying to graduate school and need your help in making my application stand out. I would like to request a letter of recommendation from you. Please let me know if you will be able to provide me with a recommendation.
  28. I am writing to request a letter of recommendation from you. I am applying to graduate school, and need your help to make my application stand out among other applicants. Please let me know if you will be able to provide me with a recommendation – the sooner you respond, the better!
  29. I am writing in regards to graduate school applications. I would like to request a letter of recommendation from you, focusing on my academic and professional accomplishments and contributions. Please let me know if you will be able to provide me with a recommendation.
  30. I am applying to graduate school, and I was hoping you could provide me with a letter of recommendation. Please let me know if you will be able to help.
  31. Hello Professor! I hope you are well. I am writing to request your letter of recommendation for a graduate program. Please let me know if you will be able to pen a recommendation for my application. Thank you for your time and consideration, as I would very much appreciate a letter of recommendation from you.
  32. I would like to request a letter of recommendation from you in support of my application for the position of VP Finance at the [company]. Since I began working for you approximately two years ago, you have been a key mentor in helping me develop both financial analysis skills and leadership abilities. In fact, I have always considered you one of my most valuable resources! As such, I’m sure that your comments will be very helpful in supporting my candidacy with this position. Keeping this in mind, please consider what can be included in the body of the letter:
  33. I would like to request a letter of recommendation for the recruitment process. Thank you for your time and efforts in helping me out.
  34. I would like to request a letter of recommendation to help me better prepare for my career goals. In addition, I am sure that you will be able to provide insight on your evaluation of my skills and characteristics which have been most beneficial throughout my education. In order to help you write an organized and informative letter, I have enclosed a copy of my resume below so that you can get a better feel for my experience. Thank you for taking the time to review this request, and I look forward to hearing from you soon!
  35. I would like to request a letter of recommendation. I have worked directly with you at [company] during the project period as a co-op student. As part of my course assignment, I was required to learn about various software applications that were used in the design phase of this project. Through working with you I have developed skills in using these applications and am confident that they will help me to complete this task successfully. I look forward to writing your recommendation and thank you for your support
  36. I would like to request a letter of recommendation from you. You taught me physics when I was a high school student and I’ve always remembered your love for teaching and passion in your work. When reviewing my resume and the recommendation request form below, please keep in mind that your letter will be used in support of my application with [University].
  37. Thank you for considering my request. I would be grateful if you could write a letter of recommendation for me.
  38. I would like to request a letter of recommendation from you. I have been advised by many employers that such a letter can be very helpful in an application for a new job or grad school. If you are willing, I would appreciate receiving it in writing as soon as possible so that I can submit it along with my application materials. Thank you!
  39. I would like to request a letter of recommendation from you. I am applying for a position at [company] and was wondering if you could write me a letter of recommendation. My resume is attached as well as relevant references if you require them. Thank you so much!
  40. To Whom It May Concern: I am writing to request a letter of recommendation for [name]. I want to apply to [program] and I feel that the qualities of honest, hardworking, and resourceful that Dr. [name] has witnessed in his/her courses will be helpful in demonstrating my qualifications as a candidate. I am enclosing a resume and transcript of classes taken with their grades.
  41. I would like to request a letter of recommendation for the [name] scholarship award program at [university]. I have been accepted for enrollment in the next term of school and need a letter of recommendation from a faculty member after reviewing my application and transcripts since my transcripts are from foreign institutions, so I am not sure it will be realiable in your eyes
  42. I would like to request a letter of recommendation from your institution. I am applying for admission in your Master’s degree program at [university] in the fall semester. Please find enclosed my résumé for your reference.
  43. I would like to request a letter of recommendation from you. I am applying to the program of [name]. It would be my honor if you can support me with your endorsement.
  44. I would like to request a letter of recommendation for admission to pursue the Master’s degree in Computer Science, for my application at the University of [insert details about the university here].
  45. I would like to request a letter of recommendation from you as I am applying for an admission at university. I understand that this may be an inconvenience for you, however please know that your recommendation means everything to me!
  46. I would like to request a letter of recommendation on behalf of my son. I am planning to send him abroad for undergrad and wish to suggest the schools/programs.
  47. I would like to request a letter of recommendation from you for the graduate program of Computer Science in University of California Berkeley. As you know, this is an international program and requires evaluation from foreign professors as well. The deadline for promise letters is on 2024. As we discussed during our class last semester, the reason I chose your course was because you are a great instructor who interacts with students well and helps them learn better. Your teaching style is very interactive and in line with my learning style. I felt that going through your course would help me prepare for an English speaking environment better than anything else could have done. So please find attached my personal statement essay and transcript as well as some information about the application process. Please write me back if there is any question regarding anything mentioned above.
  48. I would like to request a letter of recommendation for [school]. I have known you for the past two years, during which time you have served as my manager at [job], and am impressed by your leadership skills and management capabilities. During my time with your team, you provided me with timely feedback, encouraged me to grow professionally, and supported my career goals through personal development planning. Also over the past year, I have helped manage several initiatives across your team in order to support our departments’ growth; this experience has given me valuable insights into your working style as we collaborated on projects across a variety of disciplines. In conclusion, I would appreciate it if you could write a letter stating why I was a good employee and will be an asset to the college community.

If you enjoyed  How To Ask For A Letter Of Recommendation Via Email Sample check out Asking for a Letter of Recommendation Email: 7 Email Templates(Opens in a new browser tab)
